Husky Head - windshot

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Standard of the Siberian Husky
Approved by the American Kennel Club. October 8 1990
Effective November 28 1990  

Head - Skull - of medium size and in proportion to the body, slightly rounded on top and tapering gradually from the widest point to the eyes.

Faults - heady clumsy or heavy, head too finely chiseled.

Muzzle - of medium length - that is, the distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occiput. (The stop is well defined and the bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to the tip). The muzzle is of medium width, tapering gradually to the nose, with the tip neither pointed nor square.   

Faults - muzzle either too snipy or too coarse; muzzle too short or too long; insufficient stop.

Lips - are well pigmented and close fitting.
Teeth - closing in a scissors bite.  

Faults - any bite other than scissors.

Ears - of medium size, triangular in shape, close fitting and set high on the head.  They are thick, well furred, slightly arched at the back and strongly erect with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up.  Faults - ears too large in proportion to the head, too wide set, not strongly erect.

Eyes - almond shape moderately spaced and set a trifle oblique.   The expression is keen but friendly, interested and even mischievous.  Eyes  may be brown or blue; one of each or parti-coloured are acceptable.   Faults - eyes set too obliquely; set too close together.

Nose - black in grey, tan or black dogs; liver in copper dogs; may be flesh-coloured in pure white dogs.  The pink streaked "snownose" is acceptable.

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